Swifter is a programming language in active development (not),
  which is wicked fast.    It compiles swiftly and executes even
  swifter. Swifter promises to be the Objective-Z without the Z,
  but with a C.
  Now anyone could claim that, so we had American scientists run
  scientific tests.
  Zeeing is believing - just look at the numbers:
                            RC4 encryption
        Swifter |                                         1337x|
        Swift 4 |      201x|
        Swift 3 | ??UP*?? |
      Swift 2.2 |       223x|
    Objective-C | 127x|
         Python |1x|                                
           Ruby ▏0.1x
                (*UP - unpredictable performance,
                       see WWDC 2017 - Whats new in Swift)

  Yes, it could be that fast! It compiles right down to the \m/etal.


                      A New Language for Whatever.
Swifter Language Design ★ ★ Swifter Indentation ★ ★ Swifter tvOS Sample
  Swifter has been brought to you by the Always Right Institute.
   Sometimes we are always right. Or maybe someone was a little
   bored and just wanted to play with the incredible: Monodraw.